Engage your children in gathered worship
KidsCore is a music and worship curriculum that equips children to become active and informed worshipers of Jesus Christ.

Featuring songs from

…and more!
The thoughtfulness, creativity, and thoroughness that goes into each lesson is stunning. Simply put, this curriculum is gold.

Bob Kauflin
Director of Sovereign Grace MusicThere is a great mix of fun as well as depth throughout the curriculum and I would highly recommend it as a tool to connect children with gathered worship services!

Scott Lavender
CityAlightBuild Your Own Curriculum
Whether in your home or in your church, and regardless of the frequency, length, or season of your meetings, KidsCore can work for you!
1 Recruit your leaders
2 Determine your season length
3 Complete your season calendar
4 Select songs from the catalogue
5 Determine the schedule for each session
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