Featuring 71 pages of content, including:
Sheet Music Music Resources (Lyrics Sheet, Piano Score, Lead Sheets, Chord Charts)
Devotions (Romans 7:21-25 / James 1:2-4 / John 15:18-21, Ephesians 6:10-12 / Psalm 51:18-19, Hebrews 12:22, Revelation 21:1-4)
Music Principles (Phrases (Pre-K – 1st), One and Two Sounds on a Beat (K – 1st), Quarter/Eighth Notes, Quarter Rests (1st – 2nd), Phrase and Legato (2nd – 5th), Do, Re, Mi, So, La (3rd – 5th))
Activities (Coloring Pages, Draw the Lyrics, Maze, Word Scrambles, Crossword Puzzle)
And accompanying resources!