Featuring 93 pages of content, including:
Sheet Music Resources (Lyrics Sheet, Piano Score, Lead Sheet, Chord Chart)
Devotions (1 John 1:5-2:1 / Psalm 51:1-7 / Titus 3:3-8 / Romans 5:1-8)
Music Principles (Form (Call and Response) and Vocal Independence (Pre-K – 1st), High and Low Pitches (Pre-K – 1st), Rhythm (Quarter, Eighth, and Half Notes) (1st – 5th), Pitch (do-re-mi) (2nd – 5th), Pitch (do-re-mi-so) (2nd – 5th))
Activities (Coloring Pages, Word Search, Word Scramble, Re-Arrange the Lyrics, Crossword Puzzle)
And accompanying resources!